Musica & Regime | Vol. 1|2|3|4

The five albums published so far in the Musica & Regime serie have brought to light compositions and composers otherwise destined doubly to oblivion: first by the tragedy of the regimes that persecuted them, banned and even killed and a second time by the mainstream of classical music that has excluded them from theaters and concert programs despite their musical value is incredibly high.
It is first and foremost to do justice to this music that Stefano Zanobini conceived and passionately carries out the Musica & Regime program.
Best known composers as Schuloff, Lutoslawsky, Bartok and Hindemith are at the side of real rediscoveries such as Weinberg, Raphael, Schulz, Vandor, Busch in addition to the more famous Klein, von Zemlinsky and Ullmann, presenting organics ranging from solo to string sextet and mezzo-soprano. An impressive stylistic and expressive variety has remained to witness epochs and lives destroyed by totalitarian regimes but whose vitality has remained in the musical creation.
In addition to numerous positive criticism from the specialized press, Musica & Regime was awarded the Medal of the President of the Republic and in its fourth volume had the honor of receiving a preface by Senator Liliana Segre.
The CD Serie is produced by NovAntiqua Records.
vol. 1 | Schul, Schulhoff, Lutoslawsky, Bartok, Dessau | NA08
vol. 2 | Schulhoff | NA012
vol. 3 | Zemlinsky, Tyberg, Ullmann | NA029
vol. 4 | Busch, Hindemith, Raphael, Bartok, Klein, Vandor | NA043
vol. 5 | Weinberg, Sinigaglia, Kuti, Weinert | NA070
Alessandro Belli | Federica Carnevale | Virginia Ceri | Marna Fumarola | Augusto Gasbarri | Hildegard Kuen | Andrea Landi | Susanna Pasquariello | Luca Provenzani | Franziska Schötensack | Andrea Tacchi (†) | Stefano Zanobini |
© NovAntiqua Records